On Sunday, October 1, 2017, the Institute of the Incarnate Word celebrated the foundation of a new religious community in Tinos (Cycladic Islands, Greece), an island belonging to the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Catholic Archdiocese of Tinos-Mykonos-Naxos.
The event took place during a Solemn Mass celebrated in the Cathedral of Tinos, consecrated to our Lady of the Rosary, a church located in the town of Xinara. His Excellency Rev. Mons. Nikólaos Printesis, titular bishop of the Archdiocese, presided at the ceremony, which was concelebrated by Fr. Ernesto Caparrós, IVE (Provincial superior of “Nuestra Señora de Loreto), priests of the local clergy, and the new members of the religious community, Fr. Fernando Bravo, IVE, and Fr. Giacomo Mucia, IVE. Also in attendance were M. María de la Consolata Carballo, SSVM, and three other sisters from the Institute “Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará”, female branch of the religious family of the “Incarnate Word”.
After the reading of the Gospel, Archbishop Nicólaos gave a homily with the following words:
“When someone celebrates something, we are used to congratulating him and offering him gifts. On this day that we celebrate Our Lady of the Rosary, whom our ancestors chose as the patroness of this Church, is the same Virgin that is now offering us a very precious gift. It is the gift that we ask for every time we gather in Vrisí on the last Thursday of the month to pray for new vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
This very gift is being given to us from the part of the Provincial of the Institute of the Incarnate Word, the most Rev. Fr. Ernesto, who is bringing us this feast today. It is a new religious community that today we are officially welcoming and that will be established in the Episcopal Headquarters of the Archdiocese here in Xinara, which in the past functioned as a seminary…”
At the end of the Holy Mass, Mons. Nikólaos and Prov. Fr. Ernesto Caparrós, IVE, signed an accordance for the collaboration and foundation of the religious community of the Incarnate Word in Tinos.
After the contract was signed, the faithful who were present at the celebration, showed their support with enthusiastic applause and the Archbishop handed over the keys to the new house to Fr. Ernesto, saying, “We wish that by these keys the Fathers will use to open their new house, they will also open the hearts of the people”.
Afterward, Fr. Ernesto gave a brief presentation of the goals of the religious Institute of the Incarnate Word and thanked the Archbishop, the parish priests of the diocese, and all the faithful for the warm welcome that they gave us, and concluded by saying that “we already feel at home here”.
The new religious community is consecrated under the protection of Our Lady of the Rosary, whose feast is celebrated on the 7th of October.
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